My Purpose for Blogging

I've been keeping blogs since I started going to a different school in 2008. I've had 4 blogs so far, this one that you're on will be my fifth one.

From my first blog, to my 4th one, I think I've matured. Sort of.. The posts aren't so jumpy, crazy and filled with my rants and fangirl moments that no one understands. I make sensible, readable posts about rants and fangirl moments now. Hopefully. :9

My 5th Blog's purpose:
I'm going to another different school again in 2012 and I want to record my daily (or weekly) life here. I want to see if I've improved in my social skills. And also, hopefully find a friend. I made many mistakes in my previous school that caused people to hate me and avoid me.. This time, I'm gonna do it right. My 5th Blog will record the good times and bad times, horrible decisions and wise decisions that will affect whatever's in the near future, my nonsense and my fangirl moments.

So yeah, now you know. :D